Sunday, August 28, 2011

For Your Eyes Only

Today my wife sent me this text:


I unlocked my phone so I could respond. As expected, my phone deposited me at the text messaging application. I quipped:

Want me to shake it for you? ;-)

I waited and waited for my wife to respond. Finally, about five minutes later, I received a reply:

Uuuuhhh, what? Is this something for your wife’s eyes only?!


Turns out the text messaging application dumped me into a previous conversation with my brother instead of the thread with my wife.

Sheepishly, I replied:

Ack! Yes…

My brother responded:

Looks like another Richard the Mortificent posting in the making…

I called up my wife. She couldn’t stop laughing.

How do I do it?

I don't know…I'm just skilled.

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